The Great State of Oklahoma is right now learning all about the concept of ICE and how it relates to personal preparedness as a result of a financial grant from the Oklahoma Home & Community Education Leadership Development Citizenship Engagement Committee and a matching grant from the Ottawa County (Miami) OK Fire/EMS Administrators for 2009!
OHCE is a part of the Oklahoma State University Extension Service, with the cooperation of the USDA, State and Local Governments.
The grant promotes the utilization of Leadership Skills through community education projects according to ICE Project Chairperson Sue Rendel. ICE was a perfect fit as it gave her the opportunity to teach groups about ICE who are then challenged to to go out into the community and educate others.
ICE was selected as it is an easy topic to teach and is applicable to persons of all ages! In fact the ICE grant was applied for last year but funding was not available until now. How about that for tenacity and leadership?
Local training began 3 hours after the shipment of ICE Stickers arrived July 3rd! More training is scheduled this week and it will be followed up by an Oklahoma State Leadership Development Workshop where others like Sue will learn about ICE.
We are promised more updates on this statewide project as it progresses!
Thank you OCHE and Ottawa County (Miami) Oklahoma! What a fine way to celebrate Independence Day.